(Thrombocytopenia, low PLT)
Platelets help blood to clot. They are found in the blood flowing through the blood vessels. Platelets also line the inside of the blood vessel. When low blood platelet count is present, this layer thins and tiny drops of blood can leak through the spaces made when this layer thins, causing red dots on the skin called petechiae (pa-TEE-kee-eye).
Normal Platelet Count: 150,000 - 400,000 cells/mm3
Note: Normal values will vary from laboratory to laboratory.
When low blood platelet count present a person is at an increased risk of bleeding.
Risk of Bleeding is based on the Platelet Count
100,000 - 149,000 cells/mm3 - Little to no risk of bleeding
50,000 - 99,000 cells/mm3 - Increased risk of bleeding with injury
20,000 - 49,000 cells/mm3 - Risk of bleeding increased without injury
10,000 - 19,000 cells/mm3 - Risk of bleeding greatly increased
Less than 10,000 - Spontaneous bleeding likely
When you suffer from low blood platelet count you may notice:
Call your doctor immediately if you have sudden, severe unexplained pain.
Things you may do to decrease your risk of bleeding if you have low blood platelet count:
When to call your doctor or health care provider about low blood count:
Your doctor or health care provider may prescribe or suggest for low blood platelet counts:
Carefully controlled studies to research the safety and benefits of new drugs and therapies.
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